Worxx Partners


Startup Landing

Worxx Partners


Startup Landing

Worxx Partners


Startup Landing

Worxx Partners


Startup Landing

Build a new coaching HR & Talents platform

Build a new coaching HR & Talents platform

Build a new coaching HR & Talents platform

Build a new coaching HR & Talents platform


Worxx Partners is a recruitment agency B2C/B2B that is dedicated to connect IT talents to professional companies, and to coach HR teams to unlock their potentials in recruitment. Basically, users can choose easily a module online, and expect a tailored support provided by the startup. The co-founders are expert in IT recruitment and HR coaching. They wanted to start their new business by building up a brand that expresses their visions and established a user-friendly website. So the project needed to be result-driven and responsive to achieve business goals. Also the visual identity needed to be cheerful, encouraging, and enough optimistic in order to stand out from the competitors.


My role

This project was planned and executed by the founders and myself. I was responsible for all the UX, UI, brand identity, and communication strategy. They provides the content for the website. The project process goes from Research to Planning, Design, Prototyping, Testing, and at last, Development using a no-code tool (Framer).

Research, Planning & Product Strategy canvas

I started by having several sessions with my client about his vision, to define goals, KPIs, USP, marketing aspects, risks and contraints… in order to be align. The second stage was doing market research and competitors analysis on both the business and website design.

I used a product strategy convas to fill all the data provided by the client. The benefits of having this document going both side: it helps the client to distinguish external and internal strength and weakness of their business, and acknowledge myself about the product that I was about to develop.

Personas & user stories

We did various interviews with some IT talent (for my side) and HR teams (done by my client) to create our personas and user stories based on the data we collected from the interviews. The stories enabled me to focus on exactly how my design would satisfy end-users.


User flow & Wireframing

After knowing our users, it was time to think about the product with the creation of a sitemap, UI components, features… and start crafting the mockups.

Visual language

Different approaches was experimented. But ultimately, one Art direction was privileged: fairly minimalistic, the style provide a consistent and bold identity. The logo symbolize the idea of "partnership" and the letter "X" from the word "Worxx". Colors chosen brings enough contrast and a friendly palette. Also, I added some illustration asset and ornements to bring flexibility in the visuals communication. Two contrasted fonts was chosen: Glora, as primary font and perfect to highlight content, and Inter, which works best when clarity is required.


Proto, User testing & learnings

Testing was carried out to test the usability of the site. We selected 5 IT talents and 5 people whose roles involving recruiting, to attend a facilitating test. The method I used was the contextual inquiry by giving them some of task and questions. Results was vastly positive and allowed me to polish some pages.

Dev & product launch

Using a no-code tool for the development, I implemented all the pages step-by-step, setup the google analytics, blog, marketing visuals… to be ready for the deadline. Before going live, and after the correction of bugs, some change of last minute was made to improve the user experience.


I had much fun creating this website. I found it very important to involve the client at every stage of the process. It helps to gain the understanding and approval of the design. You can take a look at the full website here 🚀